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The Quota Scheme

Deadline: 01.12.2009.

Scholarship administrator: University of Oslo
Level: postgraduate, doctoral
Field of study: not defined
Place of study: Norway


The Quota Scheme

The Norwegian Quota Scheme is a funding scheme offered by the Norwegian Government to students from developing countries, Central and Eastern Europe, and former Soviet states for studies at institutions of higher education in Norway. This funding scheme aims at offering specially designed, research-based Master's Degrees taught in English. The Quota Scheme also offers funding for Ph.D.-programmes and a one-year course in advanced Norwegian Language. Quota Scheme applicants should come from universities/institutions with formal cooperation agreements with the University of Oslo.

The Quota Scheme is a scholarship programme, but the funding is given as part loan/part grant. Students receive money from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund. After completing the programme and providing documentary evidence of return to his/her home country, the student's outstanding loan is converted to scholarship. If residence is taken in Norway within ten years after termination of studies, the scholarship is converted back to a loan and must be repaid.

Due to the large number of Quota applicants to a limited number of Quota scholarships available, potential applicants must submit the online 'Request for Application Form' before they can receive the formal application form. The 'Requests for Application Forms' will be processed by the International Education Office and only applicants that fulfil all the formal Quota requirements will receive the application form. The deadline for submitting the online 'Request for Application Form' is 1 November, in order for the students to have sufficient time to submit the Quota Scheme application and the required documents before the 1 December application deadline.

For more information please click here





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