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Summer School in Comparative Conflict Studies, Serbia

Deadline: 13.05.2013.

Scholarship administrator: Center For Comparative Conflict Studies (CFCCS)
Level: short course
Field of study: Social Sciences
Place of study: Serbia and Montenegro


2013 Summer School in Comparative Conflict Studies
Belgrade, Serbia


Announcement follows

Call for Applications
The Center for Comparative Conflict Studies (CFCCS) at the Faculty of Media and Communications (FMK), Singidunum University invites you to apply for the forth Summer School in Comparative Conflict Studies. The 2013 Summer School will take place at the Faculty of Media and Communications in Belgrade, from July 1-8, 2013.


We are now receiving applications for the following four courses to choose from:

  • The Politics of Land and Identity: States and Minorities in Conflict: Prof. Oren Yiftachel (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)
  • International Intervention in a Globalised World: Dr. Maxine David (University of Surrey, UK)
  • The Role of Social Memory Studies in Conflict Analysis and Transformation: Dr. Orli Fridman (Faculty of Media & Communications (FMK) & SIT study Abroad, Serbia)
  • From the discourse of brotherhood and unity to the discourses of EU integration: the case of "transition" in Serbia: Dr. Jelisaveta Blagojević (Faculty of Media & Communications (FMK), Serbia)

Language instruction in all courses is English


We invite graduate students, advanced undergraduate students, NGO leaders and civil society activists from all countries to apply.

Reduced tuition is available for applicants from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. This reduced tuition is also available for students from other conflict or post-conflict regions.


A limited number of travel and accommodation scholarships may be available for applicants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia.


Deadline to submit applications: May 13, 2013
Application form and cost information are available on the website and Facebook page.


Email: info@cfccs.org





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