Homepage > Competitions > Erasmus Mundus GreenTech-WB project

Baza natječaja

Erasmus Mundus GreenTech-WB project

Deadline: 25.03.2016.

Scholarship administrator: Erasmus Mundus
Level: not defined
Field of study: not defined
Place of study: Spain


Otvoren je Natječaj za mobilnost Erasmus Mundus projekta GreenTech u Španjolskoj. Svi zainteresirani mogu se prijaviti do 25. ožujka 2016.

Tijekom projekta moguće je sudjelovati u sljedećim područjima:

  • informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije
  • inženjerstvo i tehnologija
  • zaštita okoliša, očuvanje kulturnog krajolika, agrikultura, prerada prehrane, šumarstvo, rudarstvo
  • poslovna i javna administracija, pravo i međunarodni odnosi, jezici
  • turizam, kulturna baština

Više informacija mođete pronaći na linku.

Prijaviti se možete preko GreenTech WB Social Network.

We inform you the 2nd  call under the Erasmus Mundus GreenTech-WB project opened on the 11th of December 2015.

If you are interested in applying for a mobility grant join the Erasmus Mundus GreenTech-WB Social Network and request membership to the “Applicants” group: http://social-green-tech-wb.uvigo.es. There you will have access to all information and documents you need to apply.  You will also find a blog where you can share your comments or questions.

Application deadline: 25th March 2016

Available fields of Study:

information and communication technologies,
engineering and energy,
environmental protection, preservation of cultural landscape, agriculture, food-processing, forestry, mining,
business and public administration, law and international relations, languages,
tourism and cultural heritage.





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