Homepage > Scholarships > Stipendije Grada Osijeka

Baza stipendija

Stipendije Grada Osijeka

Institution that administrates this scholarship program:Grad Osijek
Types of financial support: Scholarship
Number of scholarships:dodijeljeno je 30 stipendija
Amount of scholarship:za studente 850,00 ili 1.200,00 kuna mjesečno
Application deadline:October
Duration of scholarship: 1 akademska godina, ili 12 mjeseci
Field of study:not defined
Level of study:undergraduate
Place of study:Croatia
Types of support:The scholarship partially covers costs of study

Iznos i trajanje stipendije ovisi o mjestu studiranja, za podrucje grada Osijeka potpora iznosi 850kn te traje 1 akademsku godinu, a za one koji se skoluju izvan Osijeka traje cijelu godinu te iznosi 1200kn.

Izvor podataka: Glas Slavonije, 07.09.2009., 01.10., 2009., Vjesnik, 17.12.2009.

Need-based scholarship:Need-based scholarships for the following categories are awarded through this scholarships program:
- pripadnike drugih skupina



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Published 08.07.2008.




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