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Baza natječaja

Ignaz L. Lieben Award

Rok za prijavu: 15.03.2010.

Kontakt institucija: Austrian Academy of Sciences
Razina studija: nije definirano
Područje studija: prirodne znanosti
Mjesto studija: Austrija


Ignaz L. Lieben Award

1. History:
In 1862 Ignaz L. Lieben instituted the award bearing his name. He intended it to be awarded in perpetuity by the Imperial Academy of Science, the predecessor of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (AAS). It was, however, terminated by the National Socialists in 1938. The Ignaz L. Lieben Award has now been re-established by Drs. Isabel and Alfred Bader.

2. Requirements and Qualifications:
Eligible candidates for the Ignaz L. Lieben Award are scientists working on a permanent base in Austria, Bosnia-Herzegowina, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia or Slovenia, not older than 40 (for applicants who interrupted their scientific work for reasons of childcare this limit is raised by four years), and who have completed their doctorate and have made outstanding achievements in scientific research. AAS and the Academies of Sciences of the countries listed above may propose candidates, and scientists may apply themselves, but no full member of any academy is eligible.

3. Fields of Research:
The Ignaz L. Lieben Award is granted to young scientists who have demonstrated the ability to contribute significantly to the fields of molecular biology, chemistry or physics.

4. Payment:
The Ignaz L. Lieben Award amounts to US-$ 36.000,-

5. Acceptance:
Each year, the winner of the Ignaz L. Lieben Award is chosen by the Ignaz L. Lieben Award Committee. In autumn of each year, the recipient is honoured in an award ceremony at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

6. Terms of Application:
Applications are to be submitted to the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Applicants are free to apply for awards from other institutions, they are, however, obliged to inform the Department of Fellowships & Awards of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
DEADLINE: The required documents should be submitted to the Austrian Academy of Sciences by March 15 of each year.

Documents Required for Application:

  • Online application form
  • Letter of nomination (optional)
  • CV in tabular form
  • List of publications
  • A selection of the most important publications (not more than five) as pdf or MS-Word files

A short description of the nature and extent of the applicant's contribution to these publications

Please send all documents by email (application@oeaw.ac.at) and two print versions (only one print version of the publications) by regular mail to the following address:

Verwaltungsstelle für Stipendien und Preise
Postgasse 7-9
1010 Wien

Siehe auch:
Geschichte des Ignaz L. Lieben-Preises
Review Process Ignaz L. Lieben Award
Website des Ignaz-Lieben-Projekts



Pro?logodi?nji natječaji

Ignaz L. Lieben Award (2008)
Ignaz L. Lieben Award (2006)




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