Početna stranica > Baza natječaja > Otvorene prijave za sudjelovanje na 7. Međunarodnoj ljetnoj školi komparativnih studija konflikta u Beogradu

Baza natječaja

Otvorene prijave za sudjelovanje na 7. Međunarodnoj ljetnoj školi komparativnih studija konflikta u Beogradu

Rok za prijavu: 25.03.2016.

Kontakt institucija: Center For Comparative Conflict Studies (CFCCS)
Razina studija: preddiplomski studij, diplomski studij
Područje studija: društvene znanosti, humanističke znanosti


7. Međunarodna ljetna škola u organizaciji Centra za komparativne studije konflikta (CFCCS) u Beogradu održat će se na Fakultetu za medije i komunikacije od 27. lipnja do 4. srpnja. CFCCS je obrazovni centar posvećen komparativnoj analizi društava u konfliktu. Za sudjelovanje se mogu prijaviti studenti diplomskog studija, viših godina preddiplomskog studija te stručnjaci i zaposleni u disciplinama povijesti, antropologije, filozofije, prava i međunarodnih odnosa.

Rok za prijave je 25. ožujka, 2016.

Detaljne informacije o programu ljetne škole 2016 i procesu prijave pročitajte u nastavku ili na službenoj stranici.

International Summer School in Comparative Conflict Studies, Belgrade

  • Deadline: 25 March 2016
  • Open to: graduate students, advance undergraduate students interested in study and analysis of societies in and post-conflict or professionals working in related fields
  • Venue: 27 June- 4 July, 2016, Belgrade, Serbia


The 7th International Summer School in Comparative Conflict Studies provides a learning opportunity for students interested in study and analysis of societies in and post-conflict. Interdisciplinary in its nature, drawing from the fields of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, History, Philosophy, Anthropology, Law and International Relations, the Summer School in Comparative Conflict Studies provides students with an interactive learning experience utilizing frontal lectures and class discussions focusing on comparative conflict analysis of different case studies.

The 2016 Summer School will take place at the Faculty of Media and Communications in Belgrade, from 27 June to 4 July, 2016.


Open to graduate students, advanced undergraduate students and professionals working in related fields.


  • Reduced Tuition: EUR 230 for applicants from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo  and Serbia as well as students from Conflict/post-Conflict countries;
  • Full Tuition: EUR 430 for all other applicants.

Tuition Scholarships

  • Offered to students currently registered in an academic program: student must be enrolled in a graduate degree program or a 3rd or final year undergraduate program;
  • Available only for students who will attend the course for ECTS credit;
  • Students from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia;
  • Strong applicants from other societies in/post-conflict may be considered.

How to Apply?

If you are eligible to apply for the CFCCS Scholarship, follow the following steps:

  1. Submit your application form;
  2. After your application for the Summer School has been completed and submitted, please email summerschool@cfccs.org requesting access to the CFCCS Tuition Scholarship application form.

For more information please visit the official website.





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