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Stipendije za mlade istraživače 'CERES'

Rok za prijavu: 30.04.2012.

Kontakt institucija: Central European Initiative
Razina studija: program profesionalnog usavršavanja
Područje studija: prirodne znanosti, tehničke znanosti, biomedicina i zdravstvo
Mjesto studija: Italija


Stipendije za mlade istraživače "CERES"

CEI Research Fellowship Programme - CERES: Call for Applications (Deadline: 30 April 2012)

The Central European Initiative (CEI) strongly supports trans-national mobility of scientists and researchers across its area. With this purpose, the CEI Research Fellowship Programme was established under the aegis of the CEI Science & Technology Network and launched in 2005. Since its inception, it has funded about 25 fellows who had the possibility of carrying out research in one of the Network's Lead Institutions.

CERES is based on a network of 5 research institutions/centres of excellence and foresees a total of 30 fellowships to be distributed in the time-frame 2009 – 2014 among “experienced researchers” (i.e. post-docs) from CEI countries. The Programme will function through annual calls of applications to be assessed by a Selection Committee established ad hoc.

Four post-doctoral fellowships are made available in the context of the CEI Research Fellowship Programme - CERES, co-founded by the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological development – Marie Curie Actions. CERES fellowships have a duration of 12 months and are addressed to experienced researchers from CEI Member States.

Complete applications are to be submitted via e-mail to the following address: ceres@cei-es.org  by 30 April 2012.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the host institutions’ PI / Group Leader of their choice to obtain a prior agreement of the proposed research project. All relevant information for filling in the application form is available in the Guide for Applicants.

For any further information please contact:
Mr. Alessandro Lombardo
e-mail: lombardo@cei-es.org
tel: 0039 040 7786 744

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