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Poslijediplomski studij Humane geografije u Norveškoj

Rok za prijavu: 18.01.2016.

Kontakt institucija: University of Oslo
Razina studija: poslijediplomski studij
Područje studija: društvene znanosti
Mjesto studija: Norveška


Department of Sociology and Human Geography na Sveučilištu u Oslu otvara poziciju za  znanstvenog novaka u području humane geografije.

Kandidati moraju imati završen diplomski studij u području Humane geografije ili srodnom području te poznavati kvantitativnu analizu.

Kandidati također moraju poznavati norveški ili drugi skandinavski jezik.

Više informacija dostupno na linku.

Deadline: 18 January 2016
Open to: holders of a master’s degree/second-level degree in Human Geography able to carry out interviews and workshops in Norwegian or another Scandinavian language
Scholarship: salary of NOK 430,500 – 483,700, (approximately EUR 48,870 – 53,736)

There is a vacant position at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography at the University of Oslo for a research fellow in Human Geography. The position is for a period of up to 4 years with 25 % compulsory work (primarily teaching). The position forms part of the research project “Shared Mobility for Innovative and Inclusive Green Cities (Sharming Cities)” funded by the Norwegian Research Council. The PhD fellow will be part of a research group comprising of two researchers at the Institute for Transport Economics and two-three researchers at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography. The project’s empirical content will be drawn from a survey as well as register data. Empirically the project will utilize interviews and workshops with users and service providers conducted in Norwegian.

Applicants must have a master’s degree/second-level degree in Human Geography or equivalent that might be relevant for the project, as well as skills in quantitative data analysis. The master’s thesis must have been submitted before the application deadline. The successful applicant must be able to carry out interviews and workshops in Norwegian or another Scandinavian language.


 The position is remunerated by salary of the level 50 – 57 NOK 430,500 – 483,700, (approximately EUR 48,870 – 53,736) depending on qualifications. Moreover, research fellows will obtain attractive welfare benefits and pension arrangements in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.

How to apply?
The deadline for applications is 18 January 2016. The electronic application should include:

A letter of application;
Project proposal (appr. 5 pages ) which must include the topic, relevant theory and methods and time-line. Applicants are expected to be able to complete the project during the appointment period;
CV with full summary of education, practice and academic employment. The period of enrolment (admission-completion) in the master’s study programme must be specified;
Academic transcripts (university degrees only);
Copy of Master’s degree diploma;
Master’s thesis. Please note that there is no separate prompt for uploading your thesis in the electronic application. Your thesis must therefore be registered as an “Attachment”;
Complete list of publications and any academic work;
Names and contact details of 3 persons for references.
The application and any supporting documents must be in English or a Scandinavian language.





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