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Baza natječaja

EURAC 'Federal Scholar in Residence' program

Rok za prijavu: 01.07.2016.

Kontakt institucija: EURAC Institute
Razina studija: kraći studijski program, radni posjet, program profesionalnog usavršavanja
Područje studija: društvene znanosti
Mjesto studija: Austrija


EURAC Federal Scholar in Residence je program koji omogućuje proučavanje javnih pitanja državne i regionalne važnosti. Prijaviti se mogu svi zainteresirani za vladu, poslove vlade.Nagrada je mogućnost stipedniranog programa u trajanju do 3 tjedna.

Rok za prijavu je 01.07.2016. a detalje o prijavi i programu možete naći ovdje.

The yearly program EURAC Federal Scholar in Residence is set up for experts who wish to present and publicly discuss federal and regional questions that are of importance to legislators and civil servants, as well as the international academic community. It promotes comparative research at the European Academy of Bolzano/Bozen (EURAC) and aims at weaving experts and their networks in order to develop and advance comparative federal and regional studies. The program is set up in honor of the works of Sergio Ortino, the founder of Federal Studies in South Tyrol.


Academics, post-docs and practitioners in federalism, regionalism and intergovernmental relations;
Applicants must hand in a not yet published manuscript;
Be ready to present the findings of their works publicly in English within the Institute’s International Winter School on Federalism and Governance and in seminars at neighboring partner universities;
The winner should be available to undertake his/her research stay during early February.

The winner of the EURAC Federal Scholar in Residence program is granted a research stay of up to 3 weeks at the EURAC-Institute for Studies on Federalism and Regionalism, preferably in early February.

How to apply?

An unpublished paper or manuscript can be submitted in English,German, Italian, French and Spanish; in accordance to the program’s rules to be sent electronically and without any identifying information in it;
The applicant’s knowledge of English must be at working level;
Only full papers are accepted, no research plans (there is no rule concerning the length of the submitted work);
A paper or manuscript can only be re-submitted if substantively revised;
An abstract in English, a short CV and a motivation letter of maximum 2 pages have to be sent in a separate document;
Applications must be submitted via email: federalscholar@eurac.edu.





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