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MA Programmes in European Studies

Rok za prijavu: 01.04.2007.

Kontakt institucija: Maastricht University
Razina studija: diplomski studij
Područje studija: društvene znanosti
Mjesto studija: Nizozemska


MA Programmes in European Studies

Faculty of Arts and Culture, Maastricht University

MTEC Scholarships European Studies
For the coming academic year 2007/2008, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers up to 30 full scholarships covering all costs of participation in one of the three MA programmes in European Studies (European Studies, European Public Affairs and Analysing Europe) at Maastricht University.

Coverage of the MTEC Scholarship
The MTEC scholarship covers tuition fee, study materials, housing, subsistence, and travel to and from the home country. Furthermore, a personal development programme (including intercultural communication, personal development and change management) has been specifically developed in cooperation with the Universiteit Maastricht Business School (UMBS). The scholarship also includes a social programme (including monthly gatherings, participation in the IMPREST Spring Course, coaching by the European Studies Student Association ‘Concordantia’).

Who May Apply For an MTEC Scholarship?
The MTEC scholarships are meant for students and public administrators of the countries listed on the front page. They should meet the criteria for admission to the three MA programmes in European Studies at Maastricht University. Applicants should both be nationals of one of the participating countries and be resident in one of these countries.

The MTEC scholarships are intended for promising students and young public administrators, working within the field of European integration. They should have completed an academic bachelor (or equivalent) degree in European Studies, Social or Political Science, History, Economics, International Relations, Law, and similar subjects, provided that the BA-programme included sufficient Europe-oriented components.
Public administrators are required to submit proof of their employer to study for at least 10 months abroad and be issued with a guarantee that they can take up their position upon return.
Prospective students need to have adequate proficiency in English (an IELTS score of at least 6.5), they must submit a letter of motivation and two letters of recommendation, and not be older than 35 years.

Candidates should apply through the website of EVD/CROSS (www.cross-agency.nl ) and at the same time send their printed application form to the Royal Netherlands Embassy in their country.
Furthermore, applicants who want to be considered for a MTEC scholarship have to go through the regular admission procedure of the Faculty of Arts and Culture at Maastricht University.
Applicants who have already been admitted to one of the MA programmes in European Studies, can directly apply for an MTEC scholarship by using the application form which is available at the website of EVD/CROSS.

Applications for admission in the academic year 2007/2008 - in the framework of the MTEC programme - should be sent before the 1st of April 2007.

More Information
For more detailed information on the three different MA Programmes in European Studies, the admission criteria, and the application procedures, please visit: www.fdcw.unimaas.nl/mtec  
For specific questions on these procedures, please contact Ms. Ingrid Regout (admissions officer) at the Faculty of Arts and Culture of Maastricht University by email (ingrid.regout@fdcw.unimaas.nl ), or telephone (+ 31-43-3883384).

For more information about the MTEC scholarships, including conditions regarding application and the entitlements and obligations which are attached to the scholarships, and the application form, please visit: www.cross-agency.nl  or contact Mr. Diederik ter Haar by email (crossonline@info.evd.nl ) or telephone (+31 (0)70 778 8139).

Universiteit Maastricht
Faculty of Arts and Culture
P.O. Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands
Website: www.unimaas.nl  EVD
Matra Training for European Cooperation
P.O. Box 20105
2500 EC The Hague
The Netherlands
Website: www.cross-agency.nl  



Brochure MTEC european studies 2007-2008.pdf (66 kb)




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