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Baza natječaja

PhD program Molecular Medicine

Rok za prijavu: 15.04.2007.

Kontakt institucija: Medicinsko sveučilište u Grazu
Razina studija: poslijediplomski studij
Područje studija: biomedicina i zdravstvo
Mjesto studija: Austrija


PhD program Molecular Medicine Medical University of Graz, Austria 2007/2008

The Medical University of Graz offers a PhD-Program in Molecular Medicine. The program
provides cutting-edge education with respect to the molecular basis of human diseases and therapeutics. The thesis projects will focus on various aspects of metabolic diseases,
inflammation, and cancer and integrate basic, applied, and clinical sciences, as well as a wide spectrum of experimental techniques.

Funding is granted for a period of three years which will be a typical duration for the PhD thesis.However, the University does not cover the costs of the PhD enrolment (€ 363,36 per semester).

PhD students will be fully employed at the University with a net salary of ca. € 1.220,- per month 14 times a year (with the 13th and 14th salary being higher; i.e. a net salary of ca. 17.360 € per year after income tax, health insurance and social security fees).Duties include research (mostly for the thesis) and some teaching (this is also in the interest of the student, since we expect our PhDs to be able to present and teach).A successful PhD student will have to show considerable engagement beyond formal working hours.Parallel to the employment one has to enrol as a PhD student.

Who can apply?

Any student who has the equivalent of a masters degree in any subject from medicine to chemistry to biology, including biochemistry, micro- or molecular biology, pharmacology or related areas. The criterion for being eligible is that the degree should permit the student to enter PhD education in the country where the degree was obtained (typically his/her home country). Students must be fluent in English (Knowledge of German is not a must).


If you have decided to apply: 

  • Fill in the application form completely
  • Ask at least two people that are familiar with your achievements to provide recommendation letters on the relevant forms.

The recommendation letters must be signed and contain the stamp the respective institution. Your referee is supposed to send the scanned document as an email attachment to PhD-molmed@meduni-graz.at stating in the subject line PhD and the name of the candidate (e.g. “Subject: PhD/Smith”). It is your responsibility that the letters of recommendation are received by the Medical University of Graz not later than 15 April, 2007!

  • Provide scans of the following documents (in English or German translation, where necessary) as pdf-files:
  • Degree(s) and intermediate certificates (if already obtained)
  • Transcripts of marks (academic record)
  • Certificate of English proficiency (if available; e.g. TOEFL)
  • Applicants must be awarded their master degree by 1 August 2007 at the latest.

Be aware that in case of your positive evaluation and invitation to the hearing you will have to provide all your documents in original and certified English or German translation (see also: Authentication of Documents).

  • Compare your documents with the checklist to make sure that your application is complete.
  • Applications must be submitted exclusively by email to PhD-molmed@meduni-graz.at stating PhD application in the subject line.
  • Send your documents together with the application form.
  • Attachments must not exceed 10 MB, as otherwise submission will be blocked by the server.

Please note that only complete applications will be considered!
Your application will not be handled unless all required documents are submitted.

Deadline: 15 April 2007!

For further information visit the http://www.meduni-graz.at/phd/callforpplications.html





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