Početna stranica > Baza natječaja > 3 Doctoral Stipends or Postdoctoral Stipends in Language

Baza natječaja

3 Doctoral Stipends or Postdoctoral Stipends in Language

Rok za prijavu: 20.04.2009.

Kontakt institucija: Excellence Cluster Topoi
Razina studija: postdoktorski studij
Područje studija: humanističke znanosti
Mjesto studija: Njemačka


3 Doctoral Stipends or Postdoctoral Stipends in Language

In Research Area C “Perception and Representation of Space”, Research Group C-I-1 “The Conception of Spaces in Language“  and/or Research Group C-II „Images“ ) three doctoral or postdoctoral stipends are being offered for Linguists (preferably with an expertise in Ancient Greek and/or Latin) and/or Archaeologists, Egyptologists or Art Historians (specialized in the study of images and visual representation).


  • A Masters degree or equivalent for the doctoral stipends, a doctoral degree for the postdoctoral stipends — in Greek Philology (with emphasis on linguistics), in Linguistics, in Classical Archaeology, in Egyptology, or in Art History — the grade should be significantly above the average.
  • Fluency in German or English
  • Willingness and ability to collaborate within the respective research group

It is expected that the prospective holder of a doctoral stipend will finish her/his PhD. at Freie Universität or Humboldt-Universität under the supervision of one of the senior members of the respective research group. This, however, does not exclude applications from candidates who have already started working on her/his PhD. thesis at another institution. The present supervisor may accompany the project as an external supervisor and examiner.

The grants are initially offered for 2 years and can be extended for one additional year. The doctoral stipend consists of € 1,300, the postdoctoral stipend provides € 1,500 per month. An additional children’s supplement can be granted.


Applicants shall submit a CV, copies of transcripts, a list of publications where applicable, a short description of what they intend to contribute to the respective research group (about 3-5 pages), and the code number. Applications shall be submitted in English or German.



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