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Baza natječaja

Bibliography Scholarship 2009-10

Rok za prijavu: 21.03.2009.

Kontakt institucija: University of Leeds
Razina studija: poslijediplomski studij
Područje studija: humanističke znanosti
Mjesto studija: Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo


Bibliography Scholarship 2009-10

The Institute offers a Bibliography Scholarship for the academic year 2009-10, to be held by an international postgraduate student who is beginning either the MA programme or the PhD in the Institute. The scholarship is worth £1500 (paid in instalments over the academic year). The successful applicant will work in the team producing the International Medieval Bibliography.

Applications for the IMS Bibliography Scholarship should be submitted to Ms Alison Martin, Secretary, Teaching & Postgraduate Research Institute for Medieval Studies, Parkinson Building Room 4.05, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK (medieval@leeds.ac.uk). Bibliography Scholarship applications may be submitted either in conjunction with applications for IMS MA and PhD programmes or at any point subsequently up to the deadline for receipt of Bibliography Scholarship applications: 11 May 2009.

In awarding the scholarship, priority may be given to applicants who have not secured full scholarship funding for their studies.

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