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Baza natječaja

Doctoral Scholarships in Economics

Rok za prijavu: 15.04.2006.

Kontakt institucija: Universität Regensburg
Razina studija: poslijediplomski studij
Područje studija: društvene znanosti
Mjesto studija: Njemačka


6 Doctoral Scholarships in Economics; Germany

Date: starting October 2006
Deadline: April 15, 2006
Open to: highly qualified students with a Masters Degree or a German Diploma in economics or related fields

The Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics "Incentives" is a doctoral program for excellent students.

It is based on the cooperation of academic researchers from different Bavarian universities and of other renowned centers of economic research in Bavaria. The program offers courses, workshops, and advice by the best scientists in the field. Our doctoral students benefit from our international contacts and go abroad for one semester. Also, they are offered internships at research and business institutions. The Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics invites excellent doctoral students in economics to participate in its courses, workshops, and seminars.

Highly qualified students with a Diploma or a Masters Degree in economics or related fields are encouraged to submit their application.
The next cohort is due to enter the program in October 2006. The deadline for application is April 15, 2006.

Accepted applicants will be offered an excellent opportunity to complete their Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of highly qualified researchers plus a salary given by BAT IIa, 75 percent for three years, without any teaching obligation.

Please submit:
- a curriculum vitae (via email attachment)
- a statement of academic interests and an outline of the planned Ph.D.-project (via email attachment)
- two confidential letters of recommendation (via email attachment, sent by the referees)
- academic transcripts

Submission deadline: April 15, 2006

Susanne Steger
c/o Professor Dr. Lutz Arnold
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften,
Theoretische VWL
93040 Regensburg, Germany

Website: http://www.bgpe.de/



Brošura/Flyer (379 kb)




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