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Erasmus Mundus PhD Programme in Functional Materials

Rok za prijavu: 10.02.2014.

Kontakt institucija: Erasmus Mundus
Razina studija: poslijediplomski studij
Područje studija: prirodne znanosti, tehničke znanosti
Mjesto studija: Europa


Erasmus Mundus PhD Programme in Functional Materials

Deadline: 10 February 2014
Open to: candidates with a Master or equivalent university degree in Materials Science or a related field
a monthly gross salary of 2,800 Eur, enrolment fee, 3,000/7,500 Eur for travel and installation

International Doctoral School in Functional Materials - IDS-FunMat is an International Doctoral Programme in Functional Materials funded by the ERASMUS MUNDUS Programme of the European Union.

The school offers scholarships for PhD projects in Functional Materials Science, carried out in co-supervision between universities from two different countries. In most projects an industry partner is also involved. The PhD candidates must spend at least 6 months in each university. The projects start around October and take 3-4 years.

The general condition for all categories is that the applicant has, or will have at the start of his/her PhD, a Master or equivalent university degree in Materials Science or a related field. (therefore students in the final year of their Master/Diploma course are eligible, but they must provide proof of enrolment in their application form). You will also need sufficient knowledge of English language.

EM Category A:
Candidates from countries outside of the “EU+”, who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years inside the “EU+”. EXCEPTION: Third country candidates who have received an ERASMUS MUNDUS masters scholarship.

EM Category B: Everybody else (most “EU+” based students). For Category B candidates, the two countries of PhD work must be different from the country in which the doctoral candidate has obtained his/her last university degree.

(“EU+” means 28 EU countries plus Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein)

The Erasmus Mundus Fellowships include:

  • a monthly gross salary (including employers’ contributions) of 2,800 Euros, paid for a maximum of 36 months. The net salary will depend on national taxes and social security contributions.
  • a “Fixed contribution to the doctoral candidate participation” of 600 Euros per month (enrolment fee)
  • financial support for travel and installation to the candidates: 7,500 Euros for Category A candidates; 3000 Euros for Category B candidates if there is travel to 3rd countries foreseen (in IDS-FunMat this applies if University of Waterloo in Canada is one of the supervising universities). This sum is paid out to the candidates in three instalments at the beginning of the first, second and third year, respectively.

The application and selection procedure is handled online HERE. In order to apply, you must first of all register, using the ‘Register’ option under the LOGIN menu (bottom left). Deadline is 10 February 2014.

The official website.





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