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Baza natječaja

International PhD Program in Cancer and Immunology

Rok za prijavu: 01.12.2008.

Kontakt institucija: University of Lausanne
Razina studija: poslijediplomski studij
Područje studija: biomedicina i zdravstvo
Mjesto studija: Švicarska


International PhD Program in Cancer and Immunology
Lausanne, Switzerland

This PhD Program focuses on interdisciplinary training, research in basic areas of modern cancer biology and immunology, and possible exciting connections with clinical problems.

Topics include: stem cells and cancer stem cells, developmental signaling pathways, epithelial-stromal interactions, angiogenesis, cancer immunology, innate and adaptive immunology, cellular and molecular immunology, vaccine development, HIV infection and parasitology (malaria and leishmania).

For further information. see website

Application deadline: December 1st, 2008, final selection will occur in February 2009.

For application click here
The completed form must be written in English and can be sent by email to the administration office ( francoise.flejszman@unil.ch  ) for the application procedure.





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