Početna stranica > Baza natječaja > Istituto Superiore di Design

Baza natječaja

Istituto Superiore di Design

Rok za prijavu: 30.09.2011.

Kontakt institucija: Istituto Superiore di Design
Razina studija: preddiplomski studij, diplomski studij
Područje studija: umjetničko područje
Mjesto studija: Italija


The Istituto Superiore di Design

The Istituto Superiore di Design in Naples is one of Italia’s leading design institutions, offering a wide range of courses in the fields of Fashion Design, Interior and Industrial Design, Graphic and Media Design.

ISD is offering undergraduate or postgraduate scholarships of the value of 50% of tuition fee to outstanding students for the following programs starting on:

  • November 2011
  • January 2012.

More information in attachment.



Enrolment form (325 kb)
Scholarship (1868 kb)
Flyer scholarship (213 kb)
Flyer ISD (1879 kb)




Posjeti www.ceu.hu