Početna stranica > Baza natječaja > Međunarodni seminar na Malti: “European Y.O.U.T.H.: Welcoming refugees!”

Baza natječaja

Međunarodni seminar na Malti: “European Y.O.U.T.H.: Welcoming refugees!”

Rok za prijavu: 18.05.2016.

Kontakt institucija: JEF
Razina studija: radni posjet, program profesionalnog usavršavanja
Područje studija: društvene znanosti
Mjesto studija: Malta


“European Y.O.U.T.H.: welcoming refuges!”, je treći projekt JEF-a u 2016. godini koji će se odvijati u Valletti, na Malti od 06.-10.07.2016.

Prijaviti se mogu svi mladi od 18-30 godina koji dolaze iz zemalja koje su članice Vijeća Europe.

Rok za prijavu je 18.05.2016. a detalje o pokrivenim troškovima i načinu prijave možete naći ovdje.
“European Y.O.U.T.H.: welcoming refuges!”, JEF’s third activity in 2016, will take place from the 6 – 10 July in Valletta- Malta; because of its position in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and because of its symbolic relevance in the refugee or Mediterranean crisis.
The participants are expected to develop practical skills in order to fight intolerance against migrants. As JEF have already stressed it, a more united Europe as JEF envisions it is impossible if intolerance, racism and nationalism exist. Thanks to this international activity, participants will be empowered and have more competences in order to influence society and the democratic processes towards a more inclusive and peaceful society.
Young people aged 18-30 years who are citizens of one of the 47 member states of the Council of Europe + citizens of Belarus.
 •Participation fee: €100 (€50 for locals and anyone who does not need accommodation) – (8 scholarships of 70 EUR will be provided based on the quality of the response with the regard to the applicant’s motivation.);
 •Travel reimbursement: 70% of the travel costs (up to max. 150€).
JEF Europe and JEF Malta will assist in visa procedures if needed.
How to apply?
In order to apply, applicants should register HERE. If you have any questions, feel free to contact at info@jef.eu. The deadline is 18 May 2016.





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