Početna stranica > Baza natječaja > Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship

Baza natječaja

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship

Rok za prijavu: 15.10.2008.

Kontakt institucija: University of Pennsylvania
Razina studija: postdoktorski studij
Područje studija: humanističke znanosti
Mjesto studija: Sjeverna Amerika


PHF Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities

Five one-year Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships are available for the 2009-2010 academic year for untenured scholars in the humanities who received or will receive their Ph.D. between December 2000 and December 2008. The fellowship is open to all scholars, national and international, who meet application terms.

During their year in residence, Penn Humanities Forum Mellon Postdoctoral Fellows will have the opportunity to pursue their own research. That research must relate to Connections, the Forum's topic of study for 2009–10.  

Application and references must be postmarked no later than October 15, 2008.

You should submit:

  1. Eight copies of your completed application
  2. One copy of your curriculum vitae
  3. One copy of your writing sample
  4. One copy each of three original confidential letters of recommendation (Please, no more than three referees.)

Please submit all of the following four (4) documents via post (not email) to:

Wendy Steiner
Richard L. Fisher Professor of English
Director, Penn Humanities Forum
University of Pennsylvania
3619 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104–6213

More information please find here and in the attached document.



Application (65 kb)


Pro?logodi?nji natječaji

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship (2007)
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship (2005)




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