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PhD in Internatio​nal Studies

Rok za prijavu: 30.05.2012.

Kontakt institucija: Università degli Studi di Trento
Razina studija: poslijediplomski studij
Područje studija: društvene znanosti
Mjesto studija: Italija


PhD in Internatio​nal Studies

University of Trento, Italy


Applications will be accepted from candidates, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who have graduated with excellent marks from a masters course, a four year Italian laurea, or an equivalent programme in one of the disciplines comprising international studies (economics, history, law, political science, political philosophy, sociology). Candidates from other disciplinary backgrounds may also apply, provided that their research project clearly falls within the field of international studies.

Potential candidates are strongly encouraged to visit http://www.unitn.it/en/drsis/11118/faculty  to examine research interests of the teaching staff.

Language Requirements

The programme is conducted entirely in English and an excellent working knowledge of that language, including a proven writing ability, is an indispensable requirement for admission. Foreign students are required to obtain a working knowledge of the Italian language.


Art. 5 of the Call explains what the compulsory attachments are. Please refer to that article to correctly complete your application. The list below provides a short and non exhaustive summary of the compulsory attachments:

  • photocopy of the applicant’s identity card or passport
  • degree certificate
  • curriculum vitae in English
  • research proposal
  • certificate(s) attesting the knowledge of the English language at least C1 level

You may have your TOEFL language test results directly sent to the School.

Please note that the TOEFL Code Control of the School of International Studies is 6286.

Applications may include:

  • two letters of recommendation in English or Italian from experts in the doctoral research areas. The letters must be sent by the referees to ateneo@unitn.it . Referees are asked to use their institution's email address and must indicate in the email object: “Letter of Reference for CANDIDATE’S LAST NAME/NAME, PhD in International Studies”. The letters must be received before the call closes.
  • copies of (selected) publications
  • any other qualifications such as international examinations (GRE or equivalent)
  • any other documents that attest to the research skills and abilities of the candidate.

Selection Procedure

The admissions process consists of two separate stages. In the first stage, the admission committee produces a short-list of candidates based on the evaluation of the application materials. In the second stage, thirty-minute interviews will be conducted with the short-listed candidates. Candidates who do not reside in Italy may avail themselves of the possibility to conduct the interview by video conference. After the conclusion of the interviews the admission committee will publish the final ranking. The interview stage this year will take place in late June and successful candidates will be notified in short order.


The programme offers 6 full scholarships renewable for three years subject to satisfactory academic appraisal. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit, meaning that they will be offered to the top candidates of the final ranking.

Tuition Fees

The PhD programme currently does not charge tuition fees. Admitted students however are required to pay an annual student tax to the amount of roughly €120,00.

Residence Requirement

Studying for a PhD programme is a full-time commitment and we expect all our students to take up residence in the area. Students are required to be resident in Trento for 24 months during the 3-year programme. A limited number of subsidised apartments will be made available to foreign students. An orientation day will be held in early October 2012 and coursework will start towards the beginning of that month.

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