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Baza natječaja

PhD Position in High Redshift Galaxy Evolution

Rok za prijavu: 15.07.2009.

Razina studija: poslijediplomski studij
Područje studija: prirodne znanosti
Mjesto studija: Nizozemska


PhD position in high redshift galaxy evolution

The Dark Cosmology Centre (DARK) is offering a paid PhD student fellowship for an outstanding, highly motivated candidate interested in high redshift galaxy evolution.
The successful candidate will be part of a research area led by Dr. Sune Toft dedicated to unveiling the nature of a newly discovered population of extremely dense, “dead” massive galaxies in the early universe, and will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, for the duration of the PhD program (three or fours years), starting in Fall 2009.

To be eligible, applicants should have obtained an MSc or BSc degree in astronomy/astrophysics or a related field. The main selection criteria are the academic potential, originality and independence of the applicant. Experience with near-infrared spectroscopy is an advantage.

Applications should be sent to jobs@dark-cosmology.dk, and should include :

  • A statement of research interests, accomplishments (including copies of publications if any) and relevant technical experience 
  • CV (max 1 page)
  • Certified copies of grades, transcripts of classes already taken at all Universities you have attended
  • Two letters of reference to be sent directly by the referees.

Applications received before July 15th, 2009 will receive full consideration.

We encourage applications from the best candidates irrespective of nationality, gender, or background.

 Informal enquiries about the position may be made to Dr. Sune Toft (sune@dark-cosmology.dk, phone +45 3532 5908).

Note: There will be other Ph.D. positions opening at DARK in the near future, so please contact us
(jobs@dark-cosmology.dk) if you are interested in being contacted when the announcements have been finalized.





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