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PhD Scholarships in Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Germany

Rok za prijavu: 30.04.2011.

Kontakt institucija: Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne
Razina studija: poslijediplomski studij, radni posjet
Područje studija: društvene znanosti
Mjesto studija: Njemačka



Each year CGS awards 10 to 12 scholarships to excellent students (among the top 10% of their year) with a Master/Dipl. degree or close to finishing their degree. These students will enter a focused, intensive three-year program leading to a PhD (Dr. rer. pol). It is the expressed purpose of this intensive program to educate excellent researchers and teachers who, after obtaining their degree, will mainly stay in academia.

Note “EWI-Scholarship”: If your doctoral research focus lies in the field of applied industrial economics (theoretical or empirical), regulatory economics, modelling of energy markets (optimization, methods of numerical simulation), environmental economics, or energy trading, you may also apply for a scholarship at the Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI). After the first year at the CGS you will join the second and third year at the EWI (www.ewi.uni-koeln.de).  The rest of the program, the qualifications needed, the procedure and the scholarship itself are the same as mentioned below.

Scholars will work closely with their individual academic supervisor from the very beginning of their studies, participate in research seminars that enable them to discuss their ongoing projects and have ample opportunities to attend international summer schools and conferences. Furthermore, CGS provides them with office space and administrative support.

Scholarships amount to EUR 1.200 a month for the duration of three years and are limited to a three-year period.

The deadline for all applications (including two recommendations and complete application materials) is April 30, at 12pm (noon).

Step 1: Submit Application and Registration Form. Do not send any other materials until requested to do so!

In order to access the online application form, you need to enable JavaScript in your browser and you need to accept the Security-Certificate edited by DFN (Deutsches Forschungs-Netz) using the Deutsche Telekom Root Certificate.

Step 2: Once you have received your registration code, please submit the following materials:

  • A cover letter with a clear statement of your motivation and your research interest
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • A list of possible dissertation topics with a short explanation of each
  • Abitur-Zeugnis (for German residents only)
  • TOEFL or equivalent (The ETS code number of CGS is 6450)
  • GMAT or GRE (for non-German residents only)
  • Scans of official academic transcripts
  • Scan of your last degree awarded
  • Two recommendations to be filled out on-line and submitted directly to CGS by two referees

Cologne Graduate School of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (CGS)
Richard-Strauss-Str. 2
50931 Köln
email: office-cgs@wiso.uni-koeln.de  

The official webpage.





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