Početna stranica > Baza natječaja > Poslijediplomska stipendija iz fizike na sveučilištu Southampton

Baza natječaja

Poslijediplomska stipendija iz fizike na sveučilištu Southampton

Rok za prijavu: 14.12.2005.

Kontakt institucija: University of Southampton
Razina studija: diplomski studij
Područje studija: prirodne znanosti
Mjesto studija: Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo


University of Southampton; Fully-funded PhD studentship

School of Physics and Astronomy and School of Engineering Sciences

Computational and experimental investigations of 3D magnetic nanostructures

A fully-funded PhD position, providing a stipend of £12,000 p.a. (no deduction for tax, health insurance etc.) and tuition fees, is available on a joint project between the Magnetism Group in the School of Physics and Astronomy (Prof. Peter de Groot) and the Computational Engineering and Design Group (CED) in the School of Engineering Sciences (Dr Hans Fangohr) at the University of Southampton (United Kingdom). The funding is available only to EU applicants.

We are seeking a physicist/mathematician/material scientist with interests in solid state physics and computational modelling to carry out a three-year PhD research project. The successful candidate will study the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic structures of length scales of micrometres and below, focusing in particular on theoretical studies based on numerical modelling combined with magnetization measurements on nanostructures prepared at Southampton and at the University of Illinois Chicago. Linking the computational and experimental data is central to this project. A broad range of facilities, including a 384 CPU Opteron Linux cluster and various magnetometers, are available to this project.

Knowledge in the following areas would be advantageous (but can be obtained on the job): magnetism, finite element methods, programming in Python, C or OCaml. Some programming experience (in any language) is required.

We offer an international atmosphere in a lively, interdisciplinary research environment with links between the Magnetism Group and the CED, but also involving groups in Chemistry, Electronics and Computer Sciences, and Mathematics.

The 3-year position should be taken up as soon as possible (preferably in 2005).

Potential candidates should for further information contact:

Dr Hans Fangohr (fangohr@soton.ac.uk) or Prof Peter de Groot (pajdeg@phys.soton.ac.uk)

Application forms can be requested and returned to:  Ms Kim Lange (ksl@phys.soton.ac.uk

To be returned no later than 14 Dec 2005.

Please quote the reference number 05F0202





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