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Scholarships in International MFA Program

Rok za prijavu: 01.05.2009.

Kontakt institucija: Transart Institute
Razina studija: diplomski studij
Područje studija: umjetničko područje
Mjesto studija: Europa


Scholarships in International MFA Program

Transart Institute is a student-centered, self-directed MFA program, uniquely located in Europe offering an accredited two year low-residency course for working artists, teachers and all professionals in related fields who are seeking advancement in visual arts and new media.The innovative program consists of three intensive summer residencies with lectures, workshops, critiques, seminars, performances and exhibitions in Europe and two shorter, optional winter residencies in New York.

Transart Institute announced that six scholarships of USD 12,000 each have become available to students from Eastern Europe and developing countries and four scholarships of 3,000 USD each to students from anywhere to participate in Transart Institute's international MFA program.

For more information click here

For further information please contact: admin@transartinstitute.org





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