Početna stranica > Baza natječaja > Stipendija za novinare Robert Bosch Stiftunga

Baza natječaja

Stipendija za novinare Robert Bosch Stiftunga

Rok za prijavu: 26.02.2016.

Kontakt institucija: Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH
Razina studija: program profesionalnog usavršavanja
Područje studija: društvene znanosti
Mjesto studija: Njemačka


Robert Bosch Stiftung i Berliner Journalisten Schule (Berlinska novinska škola) otvorili su natječaj za stipendiranje novinara s njemačkog govornog područja te ne-njemačkog govornog područja s projektima i pričama za realizaciju unutar njemačkog govornog područja – Njemačke, Austrije i Švicarske.

Iznos stipendije bit će 5.000,00 EUR, a rok za prijavu je 26. veljače 2016. godine.

Više informacija o natječaju možete pronaći na stranicama Robert Bosch Stiftunga.

Više o programu saznajte u daljnjem tekstu.

About the Program
Field reporting and foreign journalism have been hit by shrinking news budgets in many media companies. Especially freelancers find it increasingly difficult to raise the funds needed for in-depth research abroad.  At the same time, original research and first-hand investigation remain crucial tools for journalists and media committed to act as conscientious multiplicators and watchdogs in an ever more complex world.
Take a closer look –
and step away from the mainstream!

Our program promotes excellence and originality in international journalism by supporting research projects that offer real insights as well as new perspectives and original approaches to reporting in the field.

Do you want to combine classical reporting with elements of data journalism? Feel free!  Do you want to research a story and produce it as a cross-media, online project?  Be inspired!  Do you want to team up with colleagues from across your national border for a solid piece of investigative research?  Yes, please!

Whether print or Web 3.0, TV, audio or cross-media, whether classical formats or new styles:  What we want is first-class research and inspiring journalism from reporters passionate to look up close and tell stories that would otherwise remain untold.

We offer research grants in more than 25 countries.
"Reporters in the Field" research grants foster learning and international dialog. Our program is based on cross-border investigation:

  • Journalists from Germany, Austria and Switzerland are invited to apply with story ideas based in the non-German speaking countries covered by the program.
  • Journalists from the non-German speaking countries covered by the program are invited to propose research for stories based in Germany, Austria or Switzerland.

We especially encourage applications by teams of cooperating reporters from the German- and non- German-speaking countries covered by the program. If you are unsure whether you are eligible, please contact us.

What you get: Travel funds, support and a great network
Participating reporters or reporter teams are awarded grants of up to 5.000 € to cover travel costs as well as communication and other expenses incurred as part of their research. Stories should be prepared for publication by a media of your choice. We invite you to present and discuss your projects – as well as other issues concerning international news and current affairs - with distinguished colleagues at two separate workshops in Berlin. After completing the program, you are welcome to join the alumni network of the Robert Bosch Stiftung.






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