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Stipendije za postdoktorski studij Javno i međunarodno pravo u Oslu

Rok za prijavu: 21.03.2016.

Kontakt institucija: University of Oslo
Razina studija: postdoktorski studij
Područje studija: društvene znanosti
Mjesto studija: Norveška


University of Oslo dodjeljuje stipendije za postdoktorski studij javnoga i internacionalnoga prava. Prijaviti se mogu svi kandidati sa završenim doktorskim studijem u području prava, filozofije ili politike. Za vrijeme trogodišnje stipendije, od kandidata se očekuje rad u određenim centrima kao i rad na projektima.

Više informacija možete pronaći na linku.

University of Oslo, Faculty of Law, Department of Public and International Law at PluriCourts is offering up to three 3 year fellowships. This is awarded to Norwegian and foreign applicants to undertake postdoctoral programme.
University offers a number of general and subject-specific funding schemes. The aim of the fellowship is to attract the best and most motivated people to Norway.
The University of Oslo, is the oldest, largest and most prestigious university in Norway, located in the Norwegian capital of Oslo. UiO attracts students and researchers from all over the world.
Applicants must hold a degree equivalent to a Norwegian master and doctoral degree (PhD) in law or a PhD in philosophy or political theory. A good command of English is required for all students attending the University of Oslo. International students, PhD research fellows and postdoctoral research fellows who are not native speakers of English must document their proficiency in English.

Course Level: Fellowship is provided for postdoctoral programme.
Study Subject: Fellowship is tenable in on the legitimacy of International Courts and Tribunals at University of Oslo.

Scholarship Award:

Scholarship includes:

  • Salary based on salary level 57-65 (NOK 483 700 – 560 700)
  • An academically stimulating working environment
  • Favorable pension arrangement
  • Attractive welfare arrangements

Scholarship can be taken at: Norway


Eligibility criteria is:

  • Applicants must hold a degree equivalent to a Norwegian master and doctoral degree (PhD) in law or a PhD in philosophy or political theory. To be eligible, the applicant must have submitted his/her doctoral dissertation for evaluation by the closing date. The doctoral degree must have been received prior to taking up the position.
  • Proficiency in English is required, as the work will be conducted in English. Applicants who are not native speakers of English must document their proficiency in English.
  • The successful candidate is expected to live and work in Oslo during the project period and participate in common activities at the Centre (such as book editing, writing grant applications, lecturing at seminars among others).
  • In assessing the applications, special emphasis will be placed on the quality of the project description and how it contributes to PluriCourts’ research plan, and on the assumed academic and personal ability on the part of the candidates to complete the project within the given time frame. Short-listed applicants will be called for an interview with the University of Oslo.

Nationality: Norwegian and foreign applicants can apply for these fellowships.

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirement: Applicants must hold a degree equivalent to a Norwegian master and doctoral degree (PhD) in law or a PhD in philosophy or political theory. To be eligible, the applicant must have submitted his/her doctoral dissertation for evaluation by the closing date. The doctoral degree must have been received prior to taking up the position.

Test Requirement: Not Required

English Language Requirements: A good command of English is required for all students attending the University of Oslo. International students; PhD research fellows and post-doctoral research fellows who are not native speakers of English, must document their proficiency in English by taking one of the following internationally recognized tests

  • TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language
  • IELTS – International English Language Testing Service
  • Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) and Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) from the University of Cambridge
  • Applicants to the programme for the PhD degree in Science must obtain a minimum score of 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 80 (internet-based) on the TOEFL test, or a minimum score of 6.5 from the  IELTS (academic) test. The same applies to applicants for postdoctoral research fellow positions.
  • International Fellowships
  • Supporting Material: The application must include:
  • A letter of application
  • A project proposal (maximum 3 pages) which shows how the project will contribute to PluriCourts’ research plan and a time schedule for the planned work.
  • CV in English (maximum 2 pages) summarizing education, positions, pedagogical experience, administrative experience and any other qualifying activity.
  • A complete list of published and unpublished works. If a co-authored work is included, the applicant’s role must be made clear.
  • Copies of educational certificates and diplomas. Foreign diplomas must be provided in the original language as well as in an English translation. Foreign applicants are advised to attach an explanation of their university grading system.
  • The PhD dissertation or equivalent academic material and up to 50 pages of other published works if the applicant regards these as relevant. If the publications are written by more than one author, the applicant’s role must be documented with a co-author declaration. Please remember that all documents should be in English or a Scandinavian language, if no other agreements has been made by the Faculty of Law.
  • Copies of grades and transcripts. Foreign applicants are advised to attach an explanation of their university’s grading system
  • Names and contact details for at least two references.
  • All materials should preferably be delivered electronically. However, the PhD dissertation and the other published works may be submitted in 4 hard copies.

How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.

Application Deadline: Application deadline is 21st March 2016.






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