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UCSIA Summer School on Religion, Culture and Society

Rok za prijavu: 15.04.2012.

Kontakt institucija: UCSIA
Razina studija: kraći studijski program
Područje studija: društvene znanosti, humanističke znanosti
Mjesto studija: Belgija


UCSIA Summer School on Religion, Culture and Society


The UCSIA Summer School on Religion, Culture and Society is a one-week course taking place each year at the end of August, beginning of September. In 2012 the programme will start on Sunday August 26th (arrival) and finish on Sunday September 2nd (departure). The emphasis will be on Secularism(s) and religion in society.

It is evident that religion, culture and society are strongly interwoven and are crucial for understanding the contemporary world. With globalization touching on all aspect of our lives, religion(s) and culture(s) have to understand their position in this complex globalizing process. It is the aim of the interdisciplinary UCSIA summer school to better understand the dynamic interplay between the macro- and micro-social developments concerning religion that takes place in much of the contemporary world.

Previous summer school topics were:
2007: Gender
2008: Multiculturalism
2009: Religion and politics
2010: Religion and culture in a globalizing world (two-day conference)
2011: Religion and international relations


The UCSIA Summer School brings together a multidisciplinary and international group of 30 PhD students and postdoctoral scholars.

It is the aim of the summer course is to give these young scholars the content, methodologies, disciplinary perspectives etc. necessary for conducting their research and to support them in the development of their future academic career. The programme offers them the opportunity to attend classes taught by established researchers, to present their own work and discuss their ideas in a relaxed and open atmosphere and within a multidisciplinary framework.

To ensure active involvement, the programme is composed of five types of classes:

  • Lecture classes : the four guest lecturers teach three classes on a topic related to their research expertise.
  • Interdisciplinary session addressing one of the key-issues of the programme.
  • Paper sessions: In parallel paper sessions the participants have the opportunity to present their own research work and receive feedback from the guest lecturers and their fellow participants.
  • Panel discussions: 2 panel discussions will be organised; the topic of these discussions will be decided upon in collaboration with all participants.
  • Evening lectures: In the frame of the summer school, UCSIA organizes two public evening lectures for a broader, local audience. These sessions are optional for participants of the summer school.


The UCSIA Summer School brings together a multidisciplinary and international group of max. thirty PhD students and young postdoctoral researchers. Applicants are PhD students and young postdoctoral scholars in the field of theology, the humanities (religious studies, philosophy, linguistics, history and literature) the social sciences (anthropology, sociology, political sciences, law and economics), or in other disciplines if engaged in relevant research.

They should have a good command of English.

UCSIA expects every applicant to submit a paper in which he/she presents his/her current research project. The papers should be structured as a research proposal (cf. paper guidelines) and address one of the general topics addressed by the guest lecturers.

Deadline for applications is Sunday 15th of April 2012.

Participation and stay for young scholars and researchers are free of charge. Participants should pay for their own travel expenses to Antwerp. A limited number of (partial) travel grants is available for participants who are unable to fund their own travel and are not eligible to apply for a travel grant in their host institutions.

Applicants who would like to apply for this (partial) travel grant, should send us their motivated request and cost estimate by using the travel grant application form as well as a recommendation from the university confirming they are unable to provide funding. These documents should be send together with the submission form (deadline for applications: Sunday 15th of April 2012).

Candidates will be informed about the decision regarding their travel grant application by mid-May 2012.

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