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CEEPUS stipendije

Deadline: 15.11.2005.

Scholarship administrator: Institut za razvoj obrazovanja
Level: undergraduate, postgraduate
Field of study: Natural Sciences, Engineering, Medicine and Health, Biotechnical Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities
Place of study: Austria


CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) grant

Country of origin: CEEPUS - Austria, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia
Target country: Austria
Target group: students, graduates
Area of study or research:

  • Natural Sciences
  • Technical Sciences
  • Medicine
  • Agriculture and Forestry
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Social Sciences
  • Law and Economics
  • Humanities and Theology
  • Fine Arts

Type of grant: semester or one-year grant
Funding: international
Authority awarding grant: National CEEPUS Office (ÖAD/ACM) on behalf of and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (BMBWK)
Duration of grant: 1 to 10 months
Quota: The quota is dependent on the respective networks! Minimum length of stay for non-graduates: 3 months
Grant benefit paid:

  • Monthly grant
    a) for students and graduates: € 940.--
    b) for graduates over 30 years with PhD degree: € 1040.--
  • Accident and health insurance, accommodation
    a) If necessary, the ÖAD will provide an accident and health insurance.
    b) Accommodation (student hall of residence or flat) will be provided by the ÖAD for recipients of grants. Monthly costs: € 200.-- to € 350.-- (depending on how much comfort the recipients of grants want). An administration fee of € 15,-- is payable to the ÖAD for providing accommodation.
    The costs for insurance and accommodation have to be paid out of the grant by the recipient of the grant.
  • Recipients of grants are exempted from paying tuition fees.

Closing date for applications:
15.06.2005 Closing date 1
15.11.2005 Closing date 2

Where to submit your application: Please contact http://wwwc.oead.ac.at/  
Application form:

  • a) Network: electronic application via http://wwwc.oead.ac.at/
  • b) Free Movers:
    1. CEEPUS grant form (available at: http://wwwc.oead.ac.at/ )
    2. Curriculum vitae with precise description of the course of study completed (in duplicate);
    3. Detailed plan of study or research (max. 2 pages) for the study visit;
    4. Two letters of recommendation, written on the forms provided, from teachers at institutions of higher education, which confirm the absolute necessity of the study visit and provide information as to the academic or artistic ability of the candidate as well as his/her suitability for the study visit to be supported. For study visits as part of a diploma thesis or dissertation a letter of recommendation from the supervisor must be included. The letters of recommendation are to be enclosed in a sealed envelope.
    5. A general report detailing all the examinations completed at the university as well as photocopies of diplomas and certificates.
    6. If required, written proof (certificate) of proficiency in the necessary foreign language.
    7. Written supervisory consent or agreement (confirmation of acceptance) for the project to be carried out, in so far as this is necessary for the study or research plan to be carried out in Austria.
    8. The applicant should take into consideration §1 of the Data Protection Act, Federal Law Gazette of the Republic of Austria No. 193/1978, as amended, that the personal details contained in the application will be passed on to the respective authority and the contractual partners as well as to other authorities awarding grants in Austria.

Advice on how to apply:
Network grants and Free Mover grants (according to the places available) for study or research work (diploma thesis/dissertation), intensive courses (summer schools), language courses, Sommerkollegs (summer language courses), field trips as well as grants for university teachers.

For nationals of CEEPUS countries (however no grant for the home country); successful completion of 2 semesters as a degree programme student at a university; students 19-35 years of age, no age limit for university teachers!
Those in receipt of a grant are obliged to follow their study and research activities in the prescribed manner and to be present at the place of study.
The grants are to be taken up at the times stipulated.

Selection procedure:

  1. Networks: Selection of those to receive a grant will be carried out by the network partner at the home university.
  2. Free Movers: Pre-selection carried out by the national CEEPUS Office, final selection by the Austrian CEEPUS Office.

Further information:
From the office for filing applications and the national liaison office!

Izvor: http://stima.scholarships.at/out/stipout.aspx?stipid=259&L=0&L1ID=0&L2ID=0&M=0&LANG=2





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